Substance Abuse Awareness Coach

ALBERTA SEQUEIRA Author, Speaker, and Instructor for Writer’s Workshops Contact Email: I’m available to speak to your patients privately or to any organization, association, club, or any location needing an honest talk to the substance abuser, the family member or anyone who loves the person suffering from their addiction. I welcome your email forContinue reading “Substance Abuse Awareness Coach”

Alberta Belongs to Book Marketing Global Network

This is a GREAT Website to Advertise your books. Theodocia McLean does all the work setting the information up. Visit the site and list your books. There are contests and other ways to promote yourself. Alberta Sequeira’s Books By  BMGN |  May 28, 2021 | #Global Authors Directory, Alberta Sequeira’s Books We Welcome Our Visitors. Thank You For Your Support! Readers:  1,772 WelcomeContinue reading “Alberta Belongs to Book Marketing Global Network”

Everyone Makes Money but the Author

I believe in this saying more and more as time passes. When I first became an author in 2006, I read you had to have a great platform to get the attention of agents and publisher, especially traditional. I worked hard through the years to push myself from shyness in front of an audience with knee-shakingContinue reading “Everyone Makes Money but the Author”

The Mindset of the Alcoholic and Drug Addict Many of us live on dreams and hopes that what we want to accomplish will. That isn’t reality. Some can but not often. My desire to get my book The Mindset of the Alcoholic and Drug Addict published and out to the public is a struggle. What do they say, the things you hadContinue reading “The Mindset of the Alcoholic and Drug Addict”

Introduction to Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round

INTRODUCTION Alcoholism is a disease that affects millions of people along with heart problems, diabetes, cancer, and drug addiction. We hear and read about different diseases that kill people every day and how they leave broken-hearted families behind. Who is considered an alcoholic and what are they like in behavior? We all have our ownContinue reading “Introduction to Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round”